Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Working with Lightroom 2

For my birthday, my dad got me Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2. Since then, I have pretty much been scared of the program...it seems daunting at first. Well, I bought a book that walks you through it and started working through the material last night. I am working on filling a collage frame with photos that I took of Liam's 1st year. I picked a couple of my favorites and worked on them last night. Here are the results.
I still need a lot more practice AND I have only barely scratched the surface of the book. But, I do know that I should start shooting in RAW instead of JPEG. JPEG limits what I can do with the photo in Lightroom.

I thought they were pretty good, and thought I would share! I can't wait to keep learning. Now that I have started, it doesn't seem to scary after all!!