Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Bath, Bed, & Dora

After a long day with the boys, there is nothing that I look forward to more than bath and bed time ;-) For one, they both really enjoy their baths.

...And, they both stay in one small space for at least 30 mintues....that certainly makes it a good part of the day as far as I am concerned.
We brush teeth in the bath {even the happy birthday duck gets a teeth-washin' sometimes}.
We splash {a lot} in the bath.
Did I mention that they splash a lot? Oy. Often the floor in there is soaked when they are done.
And, some really cute games are made up by the boys during bathtime. That's pretty fun for me to watch (and sometimes participate in as long as I don't get too wet).
Last night, Owen decided to practice throwing up his cowboy hat and catching it on his head whilst his little brother enjoyed some extended bathtime.... this was his one successful "catch." {please look past the Christmas pjs...I let the kiddo pick which he wears and these are just what he brought me...}
Tonight, after bathtime, the UPS driver dropped off a special delivery!! Dora and Swiper arrived, along with two Dora books. Yippee! Boots was delayed...he should be here on Thursday ;-)
I thought this was the cutest Dora I could find...she's soft, and actually resembles Dora (seriously...most of the dolls do not look much like her...its dissappointing). Owen kept Dora for himself despite the fact that he noticed she doesn't have a belly button. That was a slight disappointment for him (ha!). He took Swiper upstairs and promptly placed him in Liam's bed for Liam to go night-night with. We'll see where Boots ends up on Thursday ;-) I was hoping to save one for Baby Number 3...but, not sure that will work out as planned.
Owen has a MAJOR Dora obsession. Maybe I shouldn't have fueled it....
... As tonight I got kicked out of the bedtime routine in favor of Owen reading to Dora. Hurmph. As I went upstairs to turn off the light for {them} and tuck {them} in, I found a very sleepy Owen...

...cuddled with Khaki (his blankie) and Dora (see her in the background...she's tucked in next to Owen).

Night, Night, Y'all.


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