Sunday, August 8, 2010

Loving the Laughter

Owen was blowing bubbles in the bathwater this evening and Liam just couldn't stop laughing. Owen said "My makes Wiam so happy." Yes, he does. I love the way these two are playing together these days. These moments are exactly what I hoped for when Gerard and I decided to try and have our babies very close together in age.
As I type this, they are working together to try and pull up the huge rug in our family room. Since I know they won't make it budge, I don't mind one bit. Its keeping them occupied and hearing their laughter makes my day.

One of their favorite games is to each take one end of a slinky, shake it, swing it, and then let it go. This game lasts for ages and keeps them both in stitches.

These boys sure do keep me busy. There are always drinks to be gotten, snacks to retrieve, bottoms to wipe, and condolences for hurts to be given.
But, its worth it just to hear them giggle. Here's hoping that Baby Number 3 just joins right in on the fun!!
Have a great week!