Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Around the house(s)

We are nearing the date when we move to our new home! Took my camera to the new place the other day to try to get a shot of the boys on the front porch. As with all my attempts these days, this one came with it's own set of out-takes without a single "perfect" shot. Oh well. I do LOVE these doors, though! I think there will be lots of picture taking on our new front porch.

Owen and Liam just wanting to get the picture over with so they could run off to play.
Gavin looks so big sometimes and still so little other times. This picture was one of his "so big" moments.
Owen has been asking to help me in the kitchen a lot lately. As in, breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner. I LOVE it. I love this time with him. Love teaching him to de-vein shrimp, cut soft things with a butter knife, and work with his hands to create some yummy things! We talk about what we are putting into the things we make and how mixing the ingredients make up something else. It's so fun. I hope he keeps wanting to do this with me. In this picture, he was coating shrimp with a flour-butter mixture before we covered them with crunched-up frosted flakes and coconut. The dish was really good. And, I think the fact that he did the whole thing pretty much on his own made him really proud.
Gavin is a helper, too. He likes to help me with the laundry....
It's tough work.
But, someone has to clean up behind these boys. Pun intended. LOL.