Tuesday, March 6, 2012

A is for Active

Last Friday, the three boys were all wearing their Curious George shirts. I wanted a sweet picture of them. I got one. It wasn't exactly the picture I had in mind; but, it is sweet and it does capture them just as they are....Liam's crazy Lightning McQueen shoes and all.

Friday night, I went on a very special date with my oldest son. He and I met some friends to see The Lorax on opening night. We went to the new iPix theater. It was so fun!!
On Monday, Liam took his classroom's letter bucket to school filled with items that start with the letter "A". His bucket included an ambulance, Alfie (in his hand), a stuffed penicillian (antibiotic -- get it), airplanes, pictures of friends whose name start with A, an apple, an avacado, and afghan (made for him by his Aunt Julie), and Annie (as in Annie and Clarabelle from Thomas the Trains). Such fun. He even wore Azure to celebrate ;-)
Monday night, Owen and his buddy, Ethan, joined The Cubs for the first practice of the season. Owen is so excited to be joining a lot of his other friends on a T-ball team! He had to get cleats, a metal bat, a glove, a batting helmet, baseball socks (he picked green), and a baseball bag to hold it all. He is so excited.
Coach explaining the rules to the team.
Running the bases.
Owen practicing batting (his favorite part) with Coach Jeff.
Daddy was out of town for work and missed his first practice. But, sweet boy wanted to call him and tell him all about it.
I posted these swimming pictures on FB; but, wanted them here so they make it into the book that I will one day compile from all of my blog posts.

Having three boys is quite busy. I think I could have the word "busy" in the title of every blog post I write. Thought I would change this one up a bit and use an synonym -- active. Ha! Even our slow, nothing planned, days are quite full ;-)