Wednesday, January 30, 2008

O's First Bottle from Dad!

I had a dentist appointment on Tuesday, so Dad was in charge. He gave Piglett his first bottle, which he took with no problem. He continued to breast feed the rest of the day (and today), so we consider this a success! ..No, he didn't drink that whole bottle--we only had 4 oz. in it.

O and I spend a lot of time in his room on his brightly colored activity mat--can you tell? Here is O in another cute outfit from Lanie haning out with his colorful toys!

Thought this photo was too funny not to share. Tobie (our dog) is a lab/boxer mix. Look at that boxer smile! She is helping me entertain O and O is having fun sneaking glances up at her. Cute that they are both smiling for the photo even if only Tobie is looking toward the camera! I am so lucky to have such willing models to spend my days with.
Another funny photo. Here's looking at you, babe...


Rob and Leah said...

Way to go, Owen, with the bottle! Now Mommy can take a break sometimes!!