Thursday, January 10, 2008


O has had some visitors the last couple of days!

Here's O with Lindsey!!! Sorry 'bout your jeans Linz; we will work on getting O's diaper on better ;-)

Elizabeth, my incredible doula ( and, came over to visit O and give me some tips for caring for a newborn! I got to put the "swaddle the upper half of his body during diaper change to keep him from screaming" one to good use right away! Thank you, Elizabeth, for your tireless support over the three-day labor that led to O's arrival! You were incredible and we thank you very much for you presence, guidance, and knowledge!

Elizabeth posted some great pictures on her blog of the birth! Good one of Grammie waiting for the big moment!! Elizabeth said her first words were "We thought it was a girl"! Mine, too, mom! What a fun surprise!!

Kristi and Erica came by with tons of fun boy things for O. I forgot the camera for this visit--can you believe there is a moment of O not on film? We sure do appreciate all of the fun boy things!!

We are looking forward to Grammie's return tonight and to Paw Paw Mc coming tomorrow! Think Grandpa is making a return trip as well--O, you are one popular grandbaby!