Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Due Date is Here!

I had my 40 week check-up this morning. After talking with my doctor, we have decided that it is in the best interest of Baby Q to induce labor. The baby is totally fine right now, but my fluid levels are dropping and I have started to feel less movement. Because we are at 40 weeks, the doctor is concerned that my fluid will keep dropping and that a prolonged stay in utero could become a less hospitable experience for Baby.

So...we will check in to the hospital today at 3:00 PM start the process. Most likely, we will have this baby in our arms tomorrow! If the induction doesn't take and the baby remains fine, then we will try again the next day.

Stay tuned...


Melanie Johnson said...

Can't wait to hear!

shalonda said...

oh dear me please tell someone to update your blog, lol! for those of us who dont really know you i am dying to know what you had, heehee....hope all went well hun