Yesterday, O went to his first day at Gymboree. He is the youngest in his class by 2 months; but, I think the little fellow held his own! He had lots of tummy time, which really wore him out. Look at the cobra pose he is doing in the shot just above--he was so interested that he was really lifting his head up high. Way to go, O!
This afternoon, I was talking to Jahna and I think O felt left out! He has really gotten expressive and was wanting me to hear him. He was making very loud "Ahh," "Kkkk" and "Goooo" sounds that had major gestures to accompany. Jahna thought it sounded like he was really trying to say something; so we both listened. He was! He said "Agua, uncle" (it really did sound like that all put together--but, I think it was "Ahh-Goo," "Ahhh-Kkkkkk-Ga")! My bi-lingual baby sure will be fun!! Thanks for enjoying the moment with me, Jahna! It was a fun laugh.
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