Sunday, March 30, 2008

Baby Q is 12 weeks old!

On Friday, Baby Q marked week twelve on Friday! I cannot believe how quickly the time is going by. These last 12 weeks have been so awesome! His 3 month scale picture is coming next week; so, I will post a list of fun facts about the little man then.

I started back to work on Wednesday. It has been so nice to be home with him for these past 12 weeks, that I was really nervous that I would be very upset on Wed. But, Jahna had flowers waiting for me (thank you--they were gorgeous). I stayed pretty in the loop with work the whole time, but we had a team update meeting to go through every project; the team had progressed on every project in our inventory and even closed a lot in my absence. Wow! They are awesome!
I missed O, talked about him a lot, but didn't shed a tear. I left work at 3 to go pick him up and then we went for our usual afternoon walk with Mom E and N. Then we played for a few hours and O was off to bed. I would say the day was a success and I think that I can transition into a working mom.