Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Two Months Old Today!

O has changed so much in this last month!

* Lots and lots of smiles!
* He has started cooing and making so sweet gargling noises!

* Began sucking his thumb. Sometimes he will have his thumb in his mouth and a finger in his nose; I don't think this is on purpose, but it sure it funny to see.

* Really, really noticing his surroundings. O has always been very alert--passers-by when we are out and about even comment on that. But, he has really started paying more attention and getting more enjoyment out of his surroundings.

* Become a major mama's boy. O prefers to be held my mom. Others can look, entertain, and hang out with him--but, don't pick him up unless you are mom or have a bottle in your hand!

* Holds his head up pretty steadily.

Here is what it looked like outside of our window this morning! The snow is unbelievable.


Rob and Leah said...

oh my goodness...snow in March!
He looks so precious and I can't believe how he's grown. I am loving the chubby cheeks. Evan weighed 13 lbs 3 oz at 2 months. I think these guys are going to get along well someday!