Sunday, March 9, 2008

Our little Lump-a-Love

We were all dressed up for church today, so I took the opportunity to take a couple of photos of O in black and white. Plus, I knew Lanie would want to see him in this cute outfit she got him. Its funny, this is the only 0 - 3 month outfit that hasn't been put away, and really, it is still too big on him. It just goes to show you that you can't rely on the sizes in baby clothes ;-), or that our little man, who is in the 44th percentile on height and the 75th for weight, is just a little lump...

Speaking of lump, some of our friends have been asking us what nicknames we have for Baby Q. Here is the list, as it exists today: Mom's names for Baby Q: Punkadoo (everyday, most common), Little Man, Mr. Fuss, Lump-a-love, and Pooter (pronounced in my strongest East Texas accent as "Paou-tyre"). Dad's names for Baby Q: O (everyday, most common), Big Dawg, Shorty, and Fuss-Pot.

I wonder if he knows his name!!!