Sunday, May 4, 2008

Four Months Old...Already?

These last four months have flown by and this little boy has grown so much so fast! Just in the last week, O has started doing new tricks. He is so proud of himself and tries to hard to master new things. It melts my heart to see his determination and then watch him succeed. Yesterday, he was on his activity mat (one of three) and he wanted to get closer to the mirror that hangs down...Little Man inched his way over there on his tummy ('cause he's rolling over, you see) and after about 10 minutes, he made it the 6 inches to the toy. Unreal. It took a while, but he did it. I couldn't believe that he wasn't frustrated, or mad. He just scootched until he got there.

Today, we were on his changing table getting ready for the scale pictures and he took a look at himself in the mirrors that hang above the table. I mean....he really looked at himself. I could see that he was totally thinking "Hey, I am as cute as everyone says I am!" Just kidding... Really though, he was working on figuring out who he was and having fun seeing me in the mirror.

These three things that he's done just since Thursday are amazing. I am having so much fun watching my little Lump-a-Love figure out this crazy world that we live in.

Some of O's favorite things at four months are:

* The Itsy Bitsy Spider
* The Wheels on the Bus (when I move his legs and arms like we learned at Gymboree)
* Flying (see below)
* Rolling Over (so new and so proud)
* Sitting up like a big boy (he has to be propped, but he grunts and pulls his head forward when on his back if he wants to sit up)
* Seeing Mommy or Daddy's face first thing in the morning without even having to cry for them
* His bottle ;-)
* Toys that rattle
* His monkey lovee that Great Aunt Julie got him

Punkadoo loves it when he gets to fly. The look on his face is precious, so I asked Daddy Q to humor me by playing airplane with Punk while I took some photos to capture that face that is filled with glee and wonder. Here it is!

...and, this face is pretty cute, too.

I will post the page with all 5 scale pictures on Tuesday when I get the official height and weight from the doc. Our scale reads 15 lbs. 5 oz. We'll see how it compares with the doctor and I'll do another post.
Happy Four Month Birthday, Punkadoo.