Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Bitter Disappointment: The Play by Play

Okay, I'm up. Where shall I go now?
I spy something worth crawling to...

Tobie...(poor dog has been staying with Paw Paw Mc while we were on vacation--she has no idea what O has been working on in her absence).
Vroom, vroom. Getting my engine revved.

Target in sight...I'm off.

I'm gaining on her...slowly, but surely...I'm getting over there!

Look ma!
Ah ha. So close...I'll lunge for the finish!...wait....where is she going?

Seriously? Where is she going?

Guess I gotta rev my engine and start again.
Oh ma. This is too hard. Why can't she just stay in one spot??
P.S. Daddy Q thinks O looks like me in the above shot. Hardy-har-har.