Friday, July 25, 2008

Someone got a new toy!

6 months old is so much fun! Over the last few weeks, he started putting his hands out for me to pick him up or take him from someone else holding him. I love it. Every time I start to sing "The Wheels on the Bus" I get a smile from him. I love it. When I kiss his little neck and make a "ummmwah" sound, he pulls my face to his, gives me a wide-open-mouth kiss and imitates the sound. I love it.

All of these little moments are awesome; and, on top of that, we get to play!!! I got O a little Fisher Price drum set. It says the cutest things when he hits the cymbal, beats the drum, etc. Its his {my} favorite toy. Well...along with the drum set, comes a stage, complete with mirror, magic microphone, and lights! And....there is also a keyboard.

When I originally bought the drum set I held back on the rest. Why? I don't know. For four weeks, O {O's Mom}, has been dying for the balance of the band!! I was going to drive over and get the rest from Toys 'R Us last Sunday and ran out of time. Finally...he {we} got it this week. I think he {we} are both happy with the new addition to the play area!!!
And just for is a grin from bath time tonight. I love this little boy!


The Tenner Family said...

I especially love those last two pics! Adorable!!!