Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Busy Boy + Loads of Personality = Interesting Times

I read in one of my many parenting books and magazines that a "fun" thing to let a six month old baby do is to smear/splat/splash their food. Why? I don't know. But, I thought--why not? This, into as much as he can get himself into...he might have a great time with this. Boy...did he! Caution before you try this yourself: make sure baby is not wearing clothes and that you are wearing an old t-shirt and not trying to go anywhere else the rest of the night. We had food in our (yes, our) hair, on our face, and on our bodies/clothes. What a fun mess.

He has started throwing things over board and looking for them. He does not yet get "astonished" when it re-appears before his eyes, but he will spend a fortnight looking for an object that has gone overboard or that he heard "crinkle," or otherwise make noise, from down below. Its hard to get him to re-focus on the eating once something catches his attention!

Punkadoo is working hard at figuring out how to go places. He is best at walking, but has been lunging, scooting, rolling, arching his back, or falling (purposefully from sitting in your lap), to get closer to what ever has is attention. He has lots of toys that get him moving. And...the kid can really do a contortionist act to come out of his car seat. But, the new favorite thing to scoot for is the remote! Yesterday, he even pushed enough buttons that the TV went off and his Baby Einstein DVD came on. We hadn't tried watching one for a long while; but Baby O was totally into it. So, we hung out on the couch and watched a little tube, with Punkadoo manning the remote.

All this personality in such a small package....who couldn't love this smile?!?!?!


Kristie said...

Hey Sarah! I added a new visitor tracker to cutters blog go check it out it would be coolto know where your visitors are coming from since your hubby is from England!!

I haven't been brave enough to let Cutter play with his food yet, although tonight at dinner he played with wet noodle and he thought that was pretty cool.

Hope that ya'll are doing well. Little
O is getting big! Take care!! ~Kristie and Cutter