Monday, July 7, 2008

Six Month Doctor Appointment

Baby O went to visit the pediatrician today for his six month check-up (and shots--urghh). His official height is 27" (I must be getting good at measuring, since this matched mine!) and weight is 17 lbs 12 oz. (close to our Ebay scale reading). That's puts him in the 75th percentile for height (and head circumference, but I don't know what that measurement reading was) and the 50th percentile for weight. Guess my chunky-monkey isn't that chunky after all! What are those other moms feeding there little dudes?!?! Just kidding!

We are going to visit an eye specialist--little dude's right eye appears a little lazy. We'll see what they say--that appointment will happen on the 24th of this month. The doctor wanted me to print photos of his eye where it appears crossed to take with me--hmmm...I deleted most of those ;-) I will have to search back for a sample to take. Keep your fingers crossed that all is okay. If not, maybe little man will be a pirate for Halloween.


Kristie said...

Yes Greg is a triplet! It is pretty neat but since they are faternal, it is hard to remember that they are triplets!! lol. Cutter had his 6 month check up today also! I'll post the stats on his site! I hope that little O's appointment goes well. We are missing gymboree too, maybe we will be back soon! Take care and keep in touch! ~Kristie