Monday, April 13, 2009

Owen's Easter entourage made for a fun-filled weekend...

Friday morning, while I should have been preparing for the arrival of Owen's Entourage, I took him to North Park Mall for a photo op with the live bunnies. N's mom and I thought we would be smart, get there when they first opened, pop them onto the "set", get a photo snapped, and be on our way so we could each prepare for our guests. Well....after nearly 3 hours of waiting, we finally got to see the Easter bunnies. Cute photo...but, not sure it was worth the stress of having lost 4 hours of preparation time for the guests--we had dinner at 9PM. Oh well!!!

G.A. Julie was the first to arrive, followed by Grammie and Paw Paw Mc, who were closely followed by G.G. (Great Grandma), Great Aunt Dona, and Cousin Hunter. We had so much fun and are so thankful to everyone for making the trip to our home to share the holiday weekend with us!!

Saturday, Daddy Q's Birthday, was a fun-filled day! Many of us went shopping for a bit. Then, we all headed over to the park to feed the ducks!! First, O wanted to play a bit. Do you see what I mean by Entourage? Look at all of the people looking at O. This little guy was truly the center of attention for 3 days straight! As if he isn't spoiled already!
N and his Mom, and her 2 nieces joined us for a while. Owen and N were eating the duck food....pretty darn hilarious! Here they are...N with a biscuit and O with a flour tortilla. Funny boys! N looks about a foot taller than O in this pic ;-)

The boys have started sharing with each other...O is offering him a bit of tortilla--I think N is laughing at him. I would have, too, N. Why would you want a squished tortilla? What was O thinking?
Tortillas are, he's eating the bread ;-)
Entourage, Take 2! Paw Paw Mc went and woke up some ducks so we could feed them! Then, some dude caught a fish, so Mc took him over to touch it. The rest of us watched ;-)
Grammie and Paw Paw Mc played a bit of ball with O. This really is his very favorite thing to do!
That night, we cooked the same meal that Daddy Q and I learned at cooking school last weekend. The fam wanted photos of the food, so here goes!!
The lettuce and watercress with herb dressing.

The main dish...chicken with a tomatillo herb sauce.

The side dish...Veg and Potato with an Herb Marinade. Yum, Yum!!

Last, but certainly not least, we had Daddy Q's B-day cake!!! Thanks for having a birthday, hun, so that we could have cake!!!

Sunday morning, Owen discovered that the Easter Bunny had come to see him, leaving behind presents!!
After church, I tried to get some photos of Owen with various family members. It is really hard to get Owen to be still and look at the camera these days. But, for Easter. Really, Owen, couldn't you have given me a little something to work with? Oh's what we got!

Owen with the Grandparents, Take 1....{okay, this is just so funny that I can't get too upset}

Take'll have to do....

Then, after O's nap, we finally got to hunt some eggs! But, between finding the snacks inside and stopping to eat them before moving on, the Entourage to play with him, and all of the balls in the house that needed playing with...egg hunting didn't last long.
It was a fun five minutes!!!
How do you think Owen is going to adjust to sharing all of this attention in 3 months???