Tuesday, April 14, 2009

We took a little drive today...

Today, N, his mom, Owen, and I took a little drive. We loaded up and headed to Kilgore for lunch and a little play time with our respective families. After lunch, Papa Tex and I took O to the park. He and I took turns manning the camera, so {seldom as it is}, you get to see me in a pic playing with the little man. Here are the images I liked the most from our afternoon!

Owen on what I think is an older-than-me bench. Dad said I probably sat on it when I was little. I bet he is right! I will have to remember this bench for future trips with more camera equipment (I only had one lens, and would have LOVED to have had my portait lens with me).

Owen handing Papa Tex a bit of mulch. Thanks for sharing, O!

A moment with Papa Tex behind the camera when Owen decided to stand still and look that way...rare indeed.
Owen sure did enjoy the "big boy tire swing." I wasn't sure if he would hang on tight...but, he did!! He came back to these over and over and over!!!

It was a quick trip, but lots of fun! Can't wait to do it again, Papa Tex!!!


The Rausch Family said...

Wow, great photos! You sure you don't want to take some of my belly?!!

The Tenner Family said...

Oh my goodness! That first pic is one of your best!!! (And you've got A LOT of bests, so that's saying something!!)