Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween 2009

If you had asked me before I had children if I thought that a 22 month old leads a busy social life, I would have laughed and said "no." Fast forward to this week...I now know better. Phew. What a fun Halloween week we have had, even though we did miss a few planned activities along the way!

Last Saturday, before I got really sick with a 24 hour thing, we carved a pumpkin. Pa and I took Owen out to the front yard to pick one... he tried with all of his 22 month old might to lift this pumpkin; but, then settled for one closer to the front door.

Cleaning it out - Pa and Liam watching.

Liam and the Pumpkin...which is bigger?

The final product - Pumpkin Elmo. Now, Owen calls all Jack O Lanterns "Elmo." Sigh.
Owen's MDO class had a Halloween party on Thursday. I didn't know if I could get him to wear his actual costume twice and I knew that Liam's costume I made wouldn't hold up in the wash (and I really wanted to dress him up for Owen's party...not necessary, I know, but I wanted to). So, the boys went as Aggie Yell Leaders thanks to Grammie. Weren't they cute?
Halloween morning. If you had asked me six months ago if I would dress my boys in matching outfits...I would have said "no." Do I? You bet...every chance I get. Whoddathunk.
Drumroll, please. Here are the Halloween 2009 costumes! Owen the Footballer and Liam the NFL Ref!
Liam watching the play action.
Owen....irritated with a call the Ref made.
Owen wanting to play....any sport will do.

Noble the Fireman! Cute...but, couldn't top last year's rodeo clown. Some costumes are just "un-toppable".
The whole gang heading out to trick or treat. Skylar the Cowboy Cheerleader, AJ the Cowboy, Noble the Fireman, Liam the Ref, Owen the football player, Emma the Tinkerbell, and Parker the Engineer.
Owen's very first trick or treat house. He didn't want to leave. And, why would he? The nice lady was giving him candy.
Funniest parts of the night:
1. Skyler running into some one's house.
2. Owen asking Emma "Want to Dance?" after everyone else had gone. Ha, ha. My little flirt.

Happy Halloween, All!


Kristie said...

Soooo so CUTE!! Great idea! I'm sure one year we will do the football player and cheerleader! Owen had is own little cheering crew with the cheerleader and ref!! :)