Saturday, October 10, 2009

its raining, its pouring...

We've had quite a bit of rain lately. One of Owen's favorite activities is splashing in the puddles. Since it was only 55 degrees out and drizzling, I had him wear is hat. He looks so cute in it...I think...Gerard said "poor made him wear THAT?"

It is his hat from last year (to remember, click here) ordered him a big boy hat that will arrive next week so that Liam can have this one.
But, in the meantime, I thought he was really, really cute! He was so excited to get out in the rain, that his rain boots, jacket, and hat are just over his pjs!
He played out there off and on all day! Liam, on the other hand, stayed indoors...dry and warm.
He has really been interacting with Owen and me a lot this week. Tons and tons of smiles! He is grabbing for his toys with is awesome to watch him accomplish this milestone. He has got to be the sweetest baby there is. He is so cuddly and warm and just altogether yummy!
This afternoon, we went to the Watter's Creek area to play with Owen's friends Bryce and Trent. Owen had fun with the boys...but, he LOVED the ducks. Too funny! Guess we'll have to return there so he can see his new friend....Mama Duck.
There was live music there this afternoon. Both Owen and Bryce really enjoyed it! Owen would say "yay" when they finished a song and clap. I am sure the band appreciated there 2 fans out of the scarce crowd of 15 or so that braved the chill to hang out.
On another note...I walked 18 miles today and will do 10 tomorrow! We are in the thick of training for the 3-Day. Only 5 weeks until its here!!!