Friday, October 15, 2010

Funday Friday.

In Owen's words, "this was a fun day." We did do a lot today. And, other than about 30 minutes of fighting, hitting, crying, and yelling this morning, we did have a great day.

Owen got really, really good at riding his new Thomas the Tank Engine tricycle. He has a bike-a-thon at school next week, so I put the boy in training ;-)
I think Liam was as surprised as Owen and I that he could do it so well ... you see, he hasn't been a master of riding toys, to say the least.

But, he just hopped right on this one and took off! We rode for over an hour in the neighborhood after dinner tonight. Super fun!!! For my family that has sponsored him for the bike-a-thon, you can rest easy knowing you won't likely get a high $$ bill--the novelty of riding does not out weigh the boy's curiousity. He stops every 20 feet or so to look at things, talk about something, wave at someone going by, talk to a kitty, etc, etc, etc. He COULD make it 5 laps; but, something tells me that he will be easily distracted and that he will be doing good to make 1 full lap in the 15 minutes or so they have to ride. Oh to be 2 years old!
After nap time, the boys wanted to go to Gymboree. It had been a while. They were glad to be there and I was thankful for a chance to sit and watch them play NICELY together.
They are so good in public places. I am thankful for that, but, do wish they would be at least half as good at home. Oy.
This morning, we had reason to be in Frisco. So, I thought we could walk into Nordys and get the boys feet measured. Good thing! Turns out Owen needed to upgrade from his 8.5 size running shoes to 9.5 or 10. Liam...he turned in his 4.5 size for 5.5 and 6. Geez. Its a wonder they weren't complaining.
And this, my friends, is what happened when I let the boys pick out their own shoes.
As Daddy Q said..."well, they look Irish" ;-)


Lindsey Goodwin said...

I love the Irish shoes!