Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Owen's Bike-a-Thon

Owen's preschool had their annual bike-a-thon today. As you know from prior posts, Owen has been practicing for the event for the last week ;-) Practice paid off--little man ROCKED it!

The bike-a-thoners are lining up. It appears that Owen is getting a few last minute pointers from his little bro.
Miss Lina and Liam anxiously awaiting the start of the ride!

Owen poised and ready to roll.
And...they are off! Wait...where ya goin', Owen? He turned around a wee early and headed back into the other races. Yikes.
Phew...back on track and rollin' steady.
Rounding the curve...
Getting some support from his teacher, Miss Shelley, at Lap 5.
Rolling right along...
Making his way into lap was about this time and Daddy Q and I started re-thinking our donation per-lap. Yowzers. I underestimated the little man.
Stop! Owen completed 8 laps!
Way to go, Owen!! Here he is getting a high 5 from Daddy.
Owen and all of his Green Room friends (plus a few--the event included the M/W and T/Th classes).
That's Owen standing on the far right. He is keeping an eye on Parker who is sitting in between the two girls that Owen claims are HIS girlfriends, Maggie (the red-head) and Emma (brunette).
Such fun!!