Tuesday, November 16, 2010


A couple of weeks ago, at book club, somehow the topic of adenoids came up. I am not sure how we got on the topic. It may have started with me expressing concern about Mr. Liam not yet sleeping through the night and that his words all sound the same so its hard to know what he wants and that, oh-my-goodness-we-are-having-another-baby-in-a-few-weeks... Either it started with that and Shanon asked....have you had his adenoids checked? Or, Shanon started talking about adenoids and I started putting the puzzle together. Not sure what came first; but, oh my word! Am I glad that somehow at book club, the topic of adenoids arose.

I did some research when I got home, and from what I read, decided that adenoids might be causing problems for our little boy. He seems to always have a cold. He snores. He breathes through his mouth so often that Owen thinks its part of the games they play and he mimics him when they play. He snores. He gets choked on his food when eating. He snores. He wakes often in the night. He snores. He almost always still seems tired upon waking no matter how long he slept. He snores.

I took a "break" from bed rest to take Liam to the doctor the following Monday, who agreed it was worth looking into and gave us a referral to an Ear, Nose, and Throat doc. Took another "break" from bed rest to see the ENT doc on Wednesday and learned that, yes, our second born had icky, swollen, awful adenoids. In fact, 95% of his nasal passage was blocked by the things.

Fast forward to this morning. 6:00 AM Mr. Liam arrived at the surgery center for an adenoidectomy. Something that, less than two weeks ago, I had never heard of, we were having done to our son today.
Will the procedure help him sleep better? feel better? breathe better? The doc sure thinks so. Once he got in there, he found they were full of puss, very large, and quite gross. Liam was in and out of surgery in 30 minutes. He took about 45 minutes to calm down as the anethesia wore off. He slept for about 4 hours after that. Ate a little. Played a little. Slept some more. And, then had a pretty rough evening, but is finally in bed, again, sleeping soundly.

Today was a rough day for the patient. But, tomorrow will be better. And, if all goes according to what the doctor predicts, in about 2-3 weeks, he should be feeling like a new boy. I regret that I didn't put all of these symptoms together sooner and determine that maybe there was something amiss. But, I am relieved that, at least, we figured out he needed the procedure at 16 months rather than 16 years ;-) I hope it really does help him. He needs good sleep to grow, learn, and be happy. And, we sure would appreciate having to get up in the night with only Baby #3 come December ;-)


The Rausch Family said...

Oh Sarah, Liam will be such a happy boy now! It was a great decision!!