Saturday, November 20, 2010

masks, hats, and drippy noses.

Chippie sent the boys' masks that she found in England for Halloween this year. Owen has really gotten into wearing them. Since then, he also got some furry ones as a party favor from Parker's 3rd birthday. And, we already had lots of hats. Put all of these fun dress-up things together, add a creative 3 year old, and you can have a super fun Saturday night ;-)

Liam won't really put the masks on. He will, for a very short time, don a hat. Most of the time, though, he is on the receiving end of his brother's antics. Sometimes he just looks at him like he is nuts (see Exhibit A, above), sometimes he laughs, and sometimes, well, he is sleeping in his crib when Owen sneaks in to "scare Wiam."

Fun times 'round here!

An update on Liam....he is not recovering well from having his adenoids removed. I feel so bad for the little fella. He has spurts of energy, where he will play and laugh and seem happy. But, for the most part, he still isn't sleeping well, his nose is so drippy from the surgery it's insane, and his neck and ears seem to bother him (they warned us of this). Today, he ran a low-grade fever most of the day and just seemed puny. Its 5 days into recovery.... the docs all said the first 48 hours may not be great....but, 5 days!?!? Oy. Please pray that he feels better soon...he is just miserable right now. BTW...I did call the doctor on call today and learned that everything is "normal" and that "some kids just don't bounce back as fast as others." Hrumph.