Baby O is a crawling machine these days--just look at the fire in his eyes! He gets so focused on places he wants to go that you dare not get in his way... or else this happens. Silly mom, wanted a photo of Punkadoo in his cute Kickin' It outfit.
This past week O was in hibernation so that he could get over his case of the croup. He still has a pretty mean cough, but I think he is on the uphill side of this! A couple of times during the week, I took him to the park down the street so that we could get out of the house. This was his first time in a real swing (other than the baby one he had...). He really enjoys it. For the most part, he is really mellow and just takes in the sights and feels the breeze on his face. It is the most still few moments of his days now. I always loved the swing when I was a kid....there is just something about the feeling of soaring that is really zen!
This weekend, Grammie came to visit Baby O ( She really wanted to see O crawling...boy did she! This baby won't even slow down for a nap...especially when there is company!! Thank you, Mom, for getting up with Punkadoo BOTH mornings this weekend. Daddy Q and I really enjoyed sleeping in.
On Sat., we took Baby O to the Arboretum. Out of all the flowers in bloom and pretty sights, I chose a shady spot by a tree trunk to take photos of O. I thought the lighting was good and liked the texture of the trunk, barks, and leaves in the background. Mom got tickled at me--but, did you see how many people copied us in that short time?!?! When we were walking away, there were two other moms doing the same pose with their kiddos. Too, funny! PLUS, I knew Punkadoo wouldn't try to crawl away in the bark when he won't even crawl in grass ;-)I think he looks so much more *baby* in the pic above than he does to me in real life. I know that he is still a baby, but he looks so grown up to me in person. Maybe its because I've gotten to know him that I see all of his personality, strength, stubborness, and silly-ness each time I look at him. But, from the outside looking in, maybe he does still look like a squishy, lovable, hugable baby. Don't get me wrong. I totally see a squishable, hugable little O, but there is just something so grown up about him to me. Hmmm.
Something got O's attention--and Grammie's, too!
I think this face captures how he feels everytime he out-smarts us at naptime!
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