Thursday, August 14, 2008

Growing like a Weed

Baby O is feeling much better--thank you for all of the emails! He is still having some trouble with his throat at night; and Daddy Q and I are taking turns being up with him and filling the bathroom with steam so he can breathe easier. But, the worst is definitely behind O. Thank goodness for that.

I think that O is getting a bit fed up with being cooped up indoors all day. Earlier this week we spent about 10 minutes in the park swinging--he really enjoyed that. Today, we sat by the pool with our neighbors to get outside for a bit--that was nice, too! It was funny, though, because O has never crawled, or been on his stomach, in the grass. He was so silly about the grass. I sat him down to crawl and he was doing a very complicated yoga pose to keep from touching the grass after lifting one hand and one foot--I guess it felt prickly when he went to put them down again. It looked a little bit like this:

Ha ha! Really, it was funny, but not that funny!

The last few days he has found a new *thing*. He really likes to pull up to stand next to the baby gate at the bottom of the stairs and blow raspberries. Hmmm... This can entertain him for about 10 minutes or so....go figure.

Last, but not least, I am working on figuring out how to make a video using photos and clips. This is my first attempt. Its cute; but, I can do better. However, this one is done and the little guy in it is just so cute that I had to share it!! These are photos and clips from the trials, errors, and bloopers of learning to eat!