Monday, August 4, 2008

Seven Months Old!

{Punkadoo looks a little nervous for this scale photo. But, I am here to assure you that is a new "smile". It appears when doing or watching something new. For example, I saw the exact same smile when he watched Tobie fall off of the couch tonight...too bad I couldn't capture the look on Tobie's face after that ;-)}

Seven months ago, a smaller, immobile, quiet baby was placed in my arms. He was alert and watchful, and very content to lay with me and anyone else who wanted to hold him. He slept on my chest for naps, and snuggled close when he was tired. And another thing was certain--he ate aLOT.

Today, I have a bigger, mobile, talkative Punkadoo. I love(d) him dearly in both of these phases, but I have to admit that "today-Baby O" is my absolute favorite!! I could not love this baby any more. He has so many little things that he does that steal my heart every single time:

{hand me the spoon, ma}

1. He gives me huge, messy kisses by squeezing my cheeks and latching onto my nose/chin/neck and making an "mmmwah" noise.

2. He lifts his arms up when I say "Arm's Up Baby" to take off his shirt and then smiles so broadly when his shirt comes off.

3. He has always strongly disliked his carseat. However, he now seems to understand what it takes to get him out of it. Instead of protesting and getting upset, now I can say "Help me Help you" (yes, I know that is from a movie--but, it is really what I say EVERY time) and he will pull in his little arms so that I can lift the straps over them and get him out more quickly. Then, I hold his hands, and he pulls himself up to a standing position in the seat. The look on his little face that darts about for on-lookers after this accomplishment says it all. He is so happy to be free and seems to know that he aided in getting himself that way. He is wanting praise from anyone in the garage/parking lot/car. It's always just me who sees, and O seems content with cheers from boring old mom.

{is this the right way?}

4. He crawls over to me or his dad even when there are lots of toys nearer to him. And...he lifts his arms in response to me holding out my arms to him. He loves us, too!

5. He gives the biggest smile to anyone who says hello to him except the grocery store girl that drives me nuts. He looks at her like she is crazy. That's my Punkadoo!

6. He is a truly happy baby that melts my heart every morning (late morning that dear, sweet husband does the early morning shift).

7. He loves "The Wheels on the Bus"--what a random song to pick to love, love, love. I love my random man!

{will you put down the camera and "help me help you" feed me?}

Those are the seven things at seven months that I most want to remember! I will have to refer to this list when I update the baby book!


Rob and Leah said...

He's so cute and seems to have quite a personality. I love seeing the scale pictures each month.