Sunday, August 3, 2008

Bedtime Schmedtime

I put O down for a nap. All was quiet. Phew! He's peacefully asleep and I can get some things done. I can get some emails out, put the laundry in, I have a couple of quiet hours to make phone calls for work...


Moments later, I hear the "tough guy" noises Baby O makes when he is exerting himself (you can hear them in the crawling video clips a few posts below). Here is what I walked in to find (mind you, Daddy Q witnessed this the day before, but this time, I had camera in hand).

Naptime? Not so much, Mom.

Put one hand on the top rail.....get up on my knees...get my feet out from under me...

...almost there.

I'm up. Oh? Is this not okay?

Let's just set the record straight. I am one tough dude! See my strong muscles? You can't just lay me down for a nap any more...oh no. I'm not going down that easy. I am not a lazy am a busy baby who now knows that there are things to do, people to see, songs to sing, and places to crawl.

And so...our life of simply lying our child awake in bed when he rubs his eyes and tugs his ear is over. Now...we have to go in once, twice, three times to lay him back down and say "night, night". But that's okay...its three more times each day I get to give him a kiss and tell my Punkadoo that I love him...


The Tenner Family said...

Oh no! It's begun!! :) Love the "muscle picture" by the way!