Monday, August 18, 2008

Roles Have Changed 'Round Here

Daddy Q and I have realized that with a mobile baby comes the need to consider outsourcing some of the things that need to be done around the house. Take a typical night in our home, and I think you will agree that our new help is just what we needed.

Used to, Daddy Q was the bus boy and I was the dishwasher....but, those roles have changed hands (so to speak). Our new dishwasher and bus boy are doing a fine job of cleaning EVERY last bit that Baby O left on his table from dinner...what teamwork!

Our maids come once/week. But, we are trying out a replacement "team". This little dude and his diaper do wonders on my wood floors! He just scoots around and gets every last crumb and dust bunny! So thorough...

Finally, where ADP used to get our monthly payment for security services, we interviewed a watchman who would work 24/7 if we didn't make him take time off for naps and nightime.

He does get a little bored with the job sometimes though. Would he really scare a would-be-burgler? We are still in negotiations...

This last clip is one that shows the little watchman crawlin' up to his 'post'...(he pulled himself up to stand next; but, the camera cuts off after so much memory is used up in one clip.)

Couldn't love my new "helper" any more!!! Off to clean up after him!!!