Friday, December 11, 2009


Wednesday night, the Quinlan Family gathered to decorate our tree(s). We really had fun. I thought it would be neat to tell the origin of each of our Christmas ornaments as we decorated. Gerard agreed that would be a great idea....and then sat back to hear me tell the stories ;-) So, as Chippie, Owen, and I pulled ornaments out, I gave a brief history of where they came from.

But first, I pulled out the scented pine cones to put in the tree. I know its cheating; but, I think it makes the artificial tree smell better and it fills it in a little. So, I have been getting a couple of bags of those pine cones. We started putting them in the tree. Owen did one and then he snatched the other bag and headed upstairs. Gosh. He has really taken ownership of the upstairs tree...don't you think? I certainly didn't intend to have my pine cones on a WHITE tree. But, oh well. He is having so much fun that we just went with it (and then Daddy Q ended up agreeing with Owen that they look good there. Geesch.)

Here he is determining where the next pine cone should go.
"Over there. No, over there."

Getting a lift from Dad-D to get the pine cone in just the right spot.
Little Quinlan taking in the lights. He loves sitting under the tree and looking at the lights. Owen doesn't; but, will lay down about 3 feet from it just to be a part of things. He is really starting to take after me--he doesn't want to miss out on something, even if he really doesn't enjoy it ;-).
This morning we headed over to Cutter and Gracie's house for a really fun playdate! Kristie prepared Gingerbread Houses for the kiddos to decorate. It was so much fun. Owen actually got the hang of it after eating only about 5% of his candy. Not bad.

Christmastime is so much fun with little ones!