Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Look, Ma....

Look, Ma...No Hands! Liam is sitting up all by himself! It doesn't last long; but, he can do it!! Owen thought the sitting baby needed a hat. So fun!! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this age/stage of babyhood.
Look, Ma....I am posing for a "Pick-chure." Owen is really into posing for the camera these days. He asked me for a "pick-chure". I said "go stand by the tree and I will take one." So...he did. I love his pose. He stood still only a second and then RAN back to me to see the "pick-chure." Ha!

Look, Ma ...I can scoot and roll where-ever I darn well please these days. Thankyouverymuch!
Look, Ma...I can take a nap! Yup...that's right, both boys are napping at the same time today. Awesome!