Monday, December 7, 2009

Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle All the Way...

Owen's debut on stage tonight was a success (well, half a success). His mother's day out school held their annual program. Owen's class performed "Jingle Bells." Owen has been humming it and then yelling, "hey", at the appropriate part for a week or so.... Parker's mom had noticed that they were doing something with their hands while they sang. So...we kinda figured out what to expect using the clues these kids were giving us. But, the biggest questions remained....would they stay on stage??? would they cry???? would they jump up and down and wave at us??? who knew.

Owen with three of his fans, Chippie, Dad-D, and Liam, before the big show.
The class walked down the middle isle from the back of the church to the stage. There were, at least, 500 people in the audience. I have to say that I think just them making it on stage is a really big deal. Once on stage, they were each handed a set of bells. Here's a blurry photo of Owen getting his bells from the teacher.

The song. See my baby? He's the blond guy in the white shirt next to the teachers ringing his little heart out. Awwww.

Owen looking for assurance from Miss Jane.
The whole class did amazing during their first song! Not a single tear. Lots of bells rung. And the teachers sang very well ;-)
Then, Owen came to sit with us and watch all of the other kids sing. He had fun listing to them, flirting with Abby, who was sitting behind us, and clapping when the audience clapped. Then, it was time to return to stage for the grand finale.

I walked Owen up there, sat him next to Parker and Skylar, kissed him for luck, and returned to my seat. Moments later, I hear a little un crying. Hmmm...I think that is Owen....
Thanks to Sky's big sis for rescuing him!!
Owen with his "littlest" fan.

After the program, the kids got to eat cookies. Owen was all over that!

In the event that you want even more Christmas Program below. The first bit is me trying to get Owen to practice for the camera. Its amazing how focused a 2 year old gets on the darn camera...can't concentrate on anything else. And, the finger in the nose is just classic Owen these days...sorry 'bout that. Between the people in front of us, and Dad-D's amateur camera skills, the video is a bit difficult to follow. But, just watch for Owen in his white shirt and ignore the bodonkadonks that my sweet hubby filmed (no, none of them are mine) and the random guy that gets a few seconds of coverage in the middle, and sit back and enjoy!
Oh, the very last bit it me trying to talk Owen into going BACK up there for the end (after Sky's sister brought him to me.) Needless to say, it didn't work.