Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Little Drummer Boy and the Potty King

Today was Liam's second day at Gymboree. The class was centered on sounds and the teacher pulled out this big drum for "center of the mat"time. Oh man, Liam loved it! After a few minutes, she invited us to push our babies toward the drum. Liam put his hands up there and tap, tap, tapped. What a happy boy!
He had tons of fun under the "sound bridge", too.

But the best part....the bubbles!
Oh so happy with the bubbles! Seeing this big grin made my day so much better than it was already!
Know what else made me happy? Picking Owen up from MDO and learning that he went potty on the toilet and kept his big boy pants dry ALL DAY! I am so proud of him!!!
Owen has been doing this really fun dance where he does a step-ball-change move and does his arms up and down. Tried to get it on video; but, as always, we won't perform when he knows I want him to. I got about 5 seconds of it in the middle of some shout outs to the family! Enjoy the Potty King in action!