Saturday, January 16, 2010

Who wears the pants around here?

Since Owen is potty training, we aren't going many places this weekend. It seems we spent a lot of today moving from room to room with various toys, movies, books, etc. Today, we ended up in Liam's room for a bit. So, I took the opportunity to take a few photos of him in his room. See?

Liam laughing at Owen who is jumping up and down....
Sweet boy on his crib blanket.

Baby hands and feet.
Somebody is getting some teeth on the bottom!!
Watching and learning (soon to be "Monkey See Monkey Do"--just as soon as he can "do" a little bit more of the things his big brother can).
Speaking of potty training, Owen is doing really, really well. He hasn't had many accidents and has even come and told me when he has to go tee-tee or "yucky" a few times AND we made it to the potty. The only downside we've had so far to this experience, is that little man is really enjoying not wearing any pants. He wanted to play outside for a while this afternoon. Its only about 55 degrees out...pretty chilly. I couldn't get him to put his pants on before we went out back. So, I let him go outside thinking he would realize himself it was chilly and then ask for them. After a bit, he let me put on his hat and coat....but, refused the pants. I figured he was warm enough with the hat on, so I let it go and just decided he wouldn't stay out long. Is this not too funny? Oh, and the shoes....we could only find one of each Croc--good thing it was a right and left foot from each set.
Liam is getting a big thrill out of being able to stand and play. He squeals and laughs and just gets so excited when he plays on this thing. Reminds me of another baby Gerard and I have raised/are raising.
In other news...we had a bird fly in the house this morning at 4:30 AM. I am TERRIFIED of birds. I was going back to bed after getting Liam's his early-morning bottle and noticed that we hadn't brought our dry cleaning in from the front porch. I opened the door to bring in the clothes and a BIRD flew in. I was out of my mind scared ... I screamed and Gerard came running. The darn thing flew around a bit and then landed on the ceiling fan. I googled "How to get a wild bird out of your house" and then Gerard and I went to work turning off every light and shutting every door and then opening the back door and putting the porch light on based on the advice I found. The bird ended up on the stairs for a while....happy as a lark, or sparrow, or whatevertheheckkindofbirdit, Gerard threw some of Owen's toys at it to get it to budge. Took a few to get it moving again and then it went back to the fan. Augh. I turned the fan on low and then the sucker went into the playroom where Gerard was waiting on him...Gerard kindly showed him to the door and the bird followed the light! Phew. Took about 45 minutes to get him out; but, we did. I shudder every time I think about it! It was truly awful.