Thursday, January 14, 2010

Sounds Good to Me!

Today, I had to go to the dentist to get a filling. Owen was at school; but, Liam was with me. So, he came. Who would have thought that Liam would have so much fun! With a furrowed brow, he watched every move the dentist made. Dr. Toney thinks he's going to grow up to be a dentist ... that subliminally, this visit made an impression on him. Sounds good to me!
Today, Liam started holding his own bottle. It was out of neccessity that it came to this. I needed to tend to Owen at the same time Liam needed tending. So, I handed Liam the bottle, wrapped his little hands around it, and suggested that he hang on. A few minutes later, when I returned, he was still going strong. After the last ounce dissappeared, he pulled the bottle back from his mouth and gave me the biggest grin. So, he can hang onto this himself and have a bottle in the car now--boy, that will make some of our trips around town a lot happier?!?!? Sounds good to me!

After Owen came home from school today, he was really interested in playing with Liam. I love it when he is in those moods. He can be so sweet to him.
I had gotten Owen some bubble bath at Target...I left it on the stairs as a reminder to take it to the boy's bathroom on my next trip. Owen spied it and thought....bubble bath? Sounds good to me ;-) So, at 3:30 in the afternoon, little man had his first, real bubble bath. When Liam woke from his nap, Owen asked me to let him join him in the tub. What fun!
This morning, I took a photo of Owen on his last official day in diapers. I planned to start potty training him tomorrow. But, after Owen's hour-long bubble bath this afternoon, he told me he needed to potty. So, I took him to the potty and thought .... start now? Sounds good to me ;-)
Like I did for transitioning to a big boy bed, I created my own little potty training system after talking to other moms, reading books, and reading articles about it. So, I explained to Owen his Potty Training Reward Chart and we set out on this new adventure together.
He earned his first Potty Prize in short order. Here he is picking it out....
...and proudly showing his brother.
He seems so proud of himself and didn't want to wear a diaper to bed tonight. Luckily I had bought Pull ups to use at nap time--so, I pulled one out and sold it as "night, night pants.". It worked.
Wish us luck!