Monday, January 4, 2010

Owen is 2!

Two years ago today at 7:17 in the morning, while the Today Show was on, Owen Michael was born. That was the day I became a mom. That was the day that I fell absolutely, totally, in love with a squishy, chubby-cheeked, warm, and very hungry little man. He had me at hello.

Baby Owen
I cannot remember my life before he became part of it and I certainly cannot imagine my life without him in it. I cannot describe the joy that this little boy brings to us every day. The other morning, Gerard and I were still in bed when Owen woke. He came down the stairs and into our room, then asked me to help him up into bed. He lay between us for a few minutes very quietly. And then, suddenly, started pretending to snore....I couldn't contain the laughter. He looked at me and squinted that sweet little "proud to have made ya laugh, mama" smile. Really. True joy.

Owen @ Six Months
There is no one else on earth who gets so excited when I come out of the bathroom as Owen. I mean, you'd think I had been gone forEVER the way I am greeted upon my exit from the water closet. Whether its been a few minutes in another room or a few hours out of the house, Owen greets me with a loud "mama...its mama" runs to me and hugs me like its been ages. Wow. I read advice in a book or magazine once to always let your child be the first to let go from a hug. I take that to heart. Every hug we have lasts as long as Owen wants it (or allows) it to. I NEVER let go first.
Owen @ 1 year
If you hang around our house for long, you will learn pretty soon that Owen has some catch phrases that are heard often. The little guy has a very, very extensive 'one-word' vocabulary; but, his sentences are canned and heavily repeated. "There it is." is one of my favs. "What happened?" and "Where did it go?" are really cute, too. "Its hurting" is a common one. "Baby is sad" gets repeated when Liam is crying. But, my favorite thing he has said recently has to be "Love Mama." He told me that when I put him to bed one night last week. Oh brought tears to my eyes. Sadly, that one doesn't get repeated as often as others. But, it made a lasting impression on my heart nonetheless.
Owen @ 18 months
Owen is very independent. When its just he, Liam, and me at home he often tells me when he is ready for his nap--"Owen's Bed, Mama" and then puts himself down for a nap. If he wants a snack, little man goes right into the pantry and asks me to follow him. Asks for a lift and then grabs what he wants. Will then ask for a "pup" to put it in, then holds the cup while you fill it for him. He definately knows what he wants and when and can figure out how to get you on the same page as him PDQ. I love watching him communicate. When he figures out a new word or sees that something he said/did worked, he is so proud. And, I get so proud of him.
Owen today...2 years old.Owen Michael, you are the epitome of true joy. I love you so much. At bedtime, you and I have about five books we read over and over. Sheep in a Jeep is a favorite. The Bedtime Book is good, too. But, Guess How Much I Love You is the one I like to read the most. Sweet Boy, "I love you to the moon....and back."
Now, just stop growing already. I don't want this time to go by as quickly as it is.
Want to see some pictures of how little man spent his day today? Well, regardless of your they are.
Owen talking to Chippie over his breakfast this morning.
Eating his Cheerios...this is just moments before Dad asked him if he was ready to go to Noble's. Once dad said the "N" word, breakfast was OVER and Owen was ready to go in "Mama's Car" to "See Bo-ble."
Owen spent some time with his choo-choo trains. Laying track...
and making the trains go.
Then, he got some more "bresants." Yeeeeaaaahhhhh! Can you tell how excited this boy gets over "bresants" right now! More, more birthday is all we heard all evening.
Chippie gave Owen some cute little Thomas the Train they read them.
Owen finished his day with a cupcake and 2 candles from Stephanie, his baby sitter. It was so sweet of her to bring over!!! Then, we read books, had a few laughs while Owen tried to pick my nose, and he went to bed.
Tomorrow, Chippie and I are leaving. She stops in the UK and I continue on to Prague. I will miss my boys soooooo much! Be thinking of Daddy Q as he spends one week home alone with these two kiddos!!!
See you next week!


The Rausch Family said...

Happy Birthday Owen!