Monday, March 1, 2010

8 Fun Facts @ 8 Months Old

One. Even though he looks bigger to me, little-bit still weighs 18 pounds.

Two. Liam has two teeth. See?
Three. I pinky-swear that he is saying "mama" and meaning it.
Four. He is getting a lot of blond peach fuzz.
Five. He likes to use his paci and his bottle as a teether. Doesn't like to use teethers, though.
Six. Is a wiggle-worm in the bath, making bathtime very stressful now. He either tries to crawl around (which means he can fall face first in the water) or he tries to pull up on the side (which means he can slip into the water). We keep baths pretty short now.
Seven. Liam LOVES his baby mum-mum crackers, gerber puffs, yogurt bites, and m&ms ;-)
Eight. He has the sweetest, most amazing, smile.
Happy 8 Months, Baby.