Thursday, March 25, 2010

Giggle, Giggle. Twinkle, Twinkle. ABC.

For my FB friends, this will be a repeat. For those of you not on FB, or those that don't live on it like I do, you might have missed my post about wanting to freeze time... Either way....

My sweet boys are so awesome right now! Owen is so funny, pretty well behaved, and just plain fun to be around. Liam is a crawling, giggling, sweet bundle of joy. I really don't want the stages they are each in to come to an end anytime soon. This is like the sweet spot of motherhood. They are both sleeping well at night, both fun to be with, and just cool little dudes.

I caught some videos of them this week. Liam, the giggle-machine. And, Owen, the singing 2 year old (you know, the age where they don't have a very long attention span ;-) ).
