Sunday, March 21, 2010

Twas The Shortest Spring EVER

This weather is crazy. We went from a warm, sunny, spring to a windy, snowy, winter in 2 days. The proof is in the pictures.

We had a fun family evening on the back porch on Friday. The boys were in the sandbox. Ribs were on the grill. Wine was in my glass. Gerard made it home from work fairly early. It all added up to lots of fun!!!

Owen is so HAPPY with his sandbox!
And, so is Liam.

Owen and Daddy played lots and lots of soccer. Here's Owen's big kick to the goal.

Owen playing goalie. Looks like we need to work a little bit on his positioning. He was nowhere near in between his goal and the ball. Oh well--his stance is fierce!
Master O thought the ribs were finger lickin' good. This kid loved them! I ordered them for him today (Sunday) at lunch, and he didn't get as into them. I guess he just likes 'em they way his momma cooks 'em. Good boy.
And, here we are on Sunday. Can you believe this! Owen getting into his Cozy Coupe after shoveling the drive and de-icing the windshield ;-)
Tobie having a blast in the powdery stuff. Gives you a sense of how much snow we got.

Owen shooting some chilly hoops.

We ventured out in the snowy weather to meet up with Pa to wish him a Happy 60th Birthday in person! Liam had lots of smiles for Pa today!
I caught Owen mid "Happy Birthday, Pa"...

Wow, what a weekend.