Monday, March 29, 2010

The Littlest Quinlan is 9 Months Old Today

Liam turned 9 months old today. Three-quarters of a year. Closer to a toddler than a newborn. Hard to believe. He weighs 19 pounds 6 ounces, which puts him in the 30th percentile. He is 29 inches tall...the 73rd percentile. And, he is just the best little baby any mom could ever dream of.

He had a rough start, that's for sure. Tummy issues that we didn't get worked out until he was the better part of 6 months old plagued him and made him a fussy little thing. That, plus his insane desire to be a part of the chaos his brother creates, really made him tough to please. For those first months, all I wished for was that he would get a little bigger and, hopefully, outgrow that fussiness once he gained a little independance and could get where he wanted when he wanted. Well...he did. And, now I wish I could go back in time and, instead, wish for patience so that I could really enjoy the time with him. It passed by so fast. While I can't undo the last 9 months, I sure can slow down and enjoy him now. Believe me...I am. He is a dream.

This little guy has grown oh-so-much. He is a crawling machine. He feeds himself his snacks. He drinks from a sippy. He gives himself his own bottle. And, he doles out the sweetest smiles to anyone and everyone. His favorite place to be, though, is on my hip. From there, he can take in whatever is going on and just enjoy the ride from the safety and perspective of about 4.5 feet above ground. Gerard commented the other day that I needed some sort of an apparatus to hold him there...'cause, that is really his favorite place to be. Sweet little thing.

This evening while I cooked dinner, Owen and Liam played together for the better part of an hour. I could hear them laughing. Could sense the mess that was being created. And, I just smiled while I cooked. I love these two little boys with everything in me. I love each of them separately; and, I love them together.
I can't believe how big he's gotten. I can't believe how big he will keep getting. The doctor guessed today that little Liam will be walking in the next 6 weeks. Really? I know that Owen was walking in his 10th month; but, I am just not sure I am ready for this little fella to be "that big" yet. But, as I have learned through Owen, I do know that each new stage brings even more enjoyment, more love, and more fun. But, boy, I love this boy, and I wish he would just stall right here for a bit. But, we can't. So, I will savor each moment and enjoy him all that I can.
Liam, happy 9 months. Mama loves you so much!