Sunday, March 28, 2010

Elephant Yuck.

John, Valerie, Gerard, and I braved some serious windy weather and took our kids to the circus. The wind made the festivities outside of the tent just about unbearable.
We did spend just enough time out there to see Emma ride and elephant. That's Emma and her daddy at the back. Brave girl!

And, this would be Owen and his dad watching Emma ride the elephant. What do YOU think Owen is thinking? After watching Emma, we asked Owen if he wanted to ride the elephant. He looked at Gerard and me like we were two nutters that just rode into town with the circus and gave us a 'well...duh....not-in-this kind' of "no."
When asked if he wanted popcorn. Well, that got a different response ;-)

After getting situated with popcorn and drinks. It was circus time!
Liam was in awe! That sweet baby really enjoyed the lights and action!Our other sweet baby was not so enthralled. Poor Owen. He cried every time a loud noise sounded...and, at this circus, that was pretty often. I took him outside of the tent and he said "now...that's better, mama." Poor guy. He really wasn't that into it. But, every once in a while, he would look up and watch.
The one act Owen may have really enjoyed was the dog act. He even clapped at the end. This boy does like his "Bubbas".
The elephants were pretty cool to watch walk in.
But, Owen's very, very favorite part of the circus was when one of the elephants pooped. Seriously. Owen got out of his chair, left our box, and walked toward the center of the tent to get a closer look at the "Elephant Yuck." Gerard went to get him. I asked him to let the poor kid watch up was the only thing he had really enjoyed so far! So, here are Owen and his Dora balloon watching the elephant poo get scooped. Isn't that your favorite part of the circus, too? Go on, admit it...
We stayed a little longer to watch the trapeze act.

and the horses.
And, then we all decided that enough was enough. Owen and Mr. John were both a little "over" the circus. When we asked Owen if he had fun, he said "oh, yes, mama."
Thank goodness for 'elephant yuck.'