Thursday, March 18, 2010

Got a little change in my pocket...

For the last couple of years, Gerard throws the change he has at the end of each day into a jar (well...he might leave it on the counter, or in the bathroom, or by the bed--and then I throw it in the jar--either way, it gets into the jar!). Today, we decided to cash all of that change in and use it to buy a sandbox for the boys!
The sand and water play table we have just wasn't cutting it for us. So, we upgraded! This change resulted in over 1.5 hours of sand box play today for BOTH boys!

Since Liam is a crawling machine, he and Owen are playing together so much more. Liam has just grown by leaps and bounds each day and can do so much more now. Just yesterday, Owen was holding an Easter basket while "Baby Bruder" threw the eggs inside. Owen would move it over to be under Liam's hand so that Liam would be successful...then, he would cheer for him, and then Liam would smile SO BIG!

Watching them together melts my heart. And, today in that sandbox, those boys had an absolute blast! They would have stayed in it; but, I got a text that some of their friends were at the park. Owen convinced me that Liam wanted to go--further, Liam wanted to go by BICYCLE. Are two year old kids really this manipulative? Regardless...its good exercise so "Liam" got just what he wanted. It was about a 45 minute ride, round trip!

But, the whole afternoon made this little guy oh-so-happy!