Tuesday, March 2, 2010


...can count to 12 all by himself. It goes like this: "two, two, tree, foaw, pive, six, seben, eight, nine, ... , eleven, twelbe."

...knows his primary colors, including black and brown. He seems partial to orange. I think its because it sounds like "Owen" to him ;-)
...refers to himself in the third person, as in "Owen hit that baseball, mom" and "Owen, get his cup" and "oh man, Owen".
...loves to put on socks and shoes. HATES to change shirts.
...is potty trained. Accidents are just that, accidents. They don't happen very often.
...talks non-stop. In the house, in the car, in the grocery store, etc. I am thankful for his gift to gab...I love to hear the things that come out of his mouth.
...loves to play trains and puzzles. He can put together a 24-piece jigsaw all by his little self....can be bribed into sitting for a photo session in his cute church clothes with a bag of chips ;-)