Monday, February 9, 2009

Double Ear Infections

Ouch. Now we know why Owen hasn't been himself. He has had a fever over 102 for the last two days now. Today, our new {very awesome} Pedi diagnosed double ear infections and gave us some drops to help O's ears and teeth feel better so he can sleep again. This is his first-ever ear infection--thank goodness, 'cause it wipes the guy out. The doc thinks it is a secondary infection from the cold he has had for about 3 1/2 weeks now. Between that and his new teeth that are confirmed as coming in (this Pedi took a look for us), he isn't feeling great.

Poor guy. At least he should feel better soon!!


Elizabeth Simms said...

I am so glad you found someone you liked to take care of O!! It makes such a big difference. Hopefully he will be back to himself soon.

Kristie said...

OUCH! I feel your pain over here at our house. We are fighting the beginging stages of RSV and an ear infection brewing. He gets tubes next Monday! Too many ear infections in a small amount of time will do that to you. Take care of the little man! I hope he feels better soon! ~Kristie

The Tenner Family said...

Poor Owen! At least you got a diagnosis! Double ear infections are no fun! :( Hopefully he'll be back to himself in no time.