Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Owen's Pros and Cons of Sick Days

There are some good things about sick days...

Mama letting me "man the remote"...and, I get to watch all of the Baby Einstein I want...and, mama holds me the whole time my show is on if I want her to.
Mama gets me new toys for hibernation....its a tradition now and I hope it sticks.

And, I get lots and lots of yummy, sugary Pedialyte and Gatordae (mama figured out that i don't like the red one, but I LOVE me some orange Gatorade)...

But, there are lots of bad parts of being sick:
  • tummy aches are no fun at all...they make me cranky. And, when I am cranky, eventually mama gets cranky. Not sure which is worse....cranky mama or the tummy ache.
  • i don't get to play outside. but, mama did let me walk up and down the sidewalk some yesterday afternoon and I said "hi and bye" to a few cars going by. And...the postman stopped and instroduced himself to me...that was cool.
  • mama didn't give me any milk all day. she said the doc said "no". I really don't care what the doc says...this makes me so, so angry.
  • i got so hungry for my normal snacks that I even said a new word for mama yesterday, "cracker". That did it...she gave me a few!! Now, i just need to learn to say "milk". I will work on "no tummy ache", too.

Anyway, that's all I got for now. Here's hoping I feel better soon!