Friday, February 6, 2009

What a Week

Owen has been so fussy and unhappy this week. He has had a cold for over 3 weeks now, and I suspect that he is getting lots of new, big, huge, painful teeth or something. 'Cause my happy little guy is so not happy for the most part.

It has been a rough week. O isn't able to sleep through the night (however, he did last night thanks to Elizabeth's tip to give him Motrin for the suspected teething, instead of Tylenol). Wow....what a difference. Last night was the first night in about ten that we haven't heard him crying in his sleep! Wednesday night, it got so bad, that I had Owen in bed with me for 2 hours or so. He would drift to sleep, it would last a couple of minutes, and then he would wake crying again. Poor guy.

His blanket, Baby Einstein, Motrin, and cuddling with mama are about the only things that make him feel better. Beware, even the blanket didn't work a few time and it got thrown back at me.... And, about 50% of the time mama doesn't help--I get hit in the face and a tantrum ensues. At least last night, when Owen and I hosted book club (he stayed with Mimi until 8, but then came home--Daddy Q was at a work function) he was in a great mood and ready to entertain. I guess 10 + women in the house are enough to make him smile through the pain ;-)
We did make it to Gymboree this week since O hasn't run a fever since last Saturday night. Owen is obsessed with balls. Seriously, they are like a security blanket for the little guy. At Gymboree there is a bucket of balls behind all of the equipment on the far side of the room next to the fire exit...that's where you find Owen as often as I let him toddle away from the activities he is supposed to be doing. He goes over and just takes the balls out of the bucket, one by one. Then, he comes across his favorite--a bright yellow one--and carries it around for a bit. Takes it back over to the bucket later, drops it in, and then works to get it back out. I decided to fill a toy basket with balls at home for him since he likes them so much at Gymboree.

Sometimes, when he does spend a moment doing something that the rest of the class is doing, a stray ball catches his eye. Those just have to be picked up and carried, rolled, kicked, or thrown.

When Owen is around, no matter how crummy he feels, you can count on there being no ball left un-played with. I read once that it is good for a kid to get attached to something....
So, that was our week. One very unhappy little guy makes for a very tired mama. Thank goodness Baby Q2 is treating me well right now! I am having to remind myself that I am pregnant as the only time I "feel" pregnant is when I brush my teeth--I hate gagging on the toothbrush, but it is a good reminder from Q2 that he/she is doing well in there!!!