Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A New Friend Came to the House Today

Owen is feeling much better today. He still runs a temp if he isn't in the middle of a Motrin/Tylenol dose, but for the most part, he is much better. The drops make his ears numb and that helps a lot! Hopefully, he will be fever free through the night so that I can return to work tomorrow.

Today, while Owen was watching one of his favorite Baby Einstein videos, UPS knocked on our door. Tobie barked, Owen looked to the door and said "Whas dat?", and I spotted a box being placed on our doorstep. "Hmmmm....what had I ordered lately on the Internet?", I thought to myself. I ran through all orders placed within the last two weeks....the stroller replacement snack tray had already arrived, the replacement car seat had arrived the day before, the clothes on sale from Tea arrived last week....could it be the three shirts from Gymboree that I got using my 25% off coupon during the baby sale? No...the box looked too big.

So...all of us were curious. I went to the door and found a box from O's Great Grandma, G.G.!! Yay!!!! It was addressed to me and Owen. We opened it -- O is really good at opening now that he has been through Christmas and a Birthday. He got an awesome V-Day card!! "Wow", Owen said--by the way, that is one of his new words. And....he got a new friend. A Hug-o-saurus to be specific. He makes this cute little noise when you press his foot and then shakes. O immediately gave him a hug--friends at first sight!!! Thank you, G.G.!!!
And...I got a book that looks really incredible. Since I enjoyed the first selection of my G-ma's bookclub so much (They Poured Fire on Us from the Sky), she sent me their second selection. Enrique's Journey by Sonia Nazario. It is about a little boy who traveled across Mexico to reunite with his mom in the US. Wow! I bet this one will be amazing, too! I will read it when we are in Mexico at the end of this month, if I don't get too excited and place it ahead of my own book club's current book.