Sunday, February 1, 2009

Owen's Weekend

First, Melanie has posted the slide show from Owen's first b-day on her site! Hop on over there and check out our little one year old (there is a link to her blog on this one)! Great pics, Melanie! Fam & Friends, if you want a copy of any of the photos, let me know and I will get them to you!!!, here's what all we did this weekend.

Friday morning, Owen posed for me so that I could complete my 3rd assignment from the Photography Workshop book. Working with light, we were to use a technique from the book. Cause I thought it would be one of the easiest ones with a moving toddler, I chose indoor window light. Doesn't he look so darn sweet you could eat him up? Never mind this was a fleeting moment...he was eating a snack, looking out the window, pointing at things, and standing in the chair. He just happened to sit for a split second...

same photo in color.
Friday afternoon, we went and got the car washed (Owen loves going through the car wash), went to target, and went to our Pediatrician's office for what would be the last time. We saw "the backup" and she really ticked me off. Between scolding my "discipline" abilities, making me hold my screaming child like I was a human straight-jacket while I was asking her to let me give him a break...he would calm down...I know my kiddo, and then telling me he just has a "runny nose" and may not be himself..."be patient with him", I am DONE! So, we are in the market for a new doc...makes me sad, cause I really liked the main doc, but this back up one just won't work for me any more. Got a recommendation?

Later that night, after O was in bed, Grammie and Paw Paw Mc arrived! Yay!!!!!

Saturday, I got to pamper myself. I had my hair colored and cut for the first time since September--thanks Team Stroud for the gift cert to Lifetime---I used it this weekend for a new do!!!! Y'all rock!

Then, in between my cut and massage {see, I really got pampered}, we fed the ccckkkkss {in case you missed the earlier post, that is Owen for duck} at the park!That's the darn goose that scared the mess out of me and O last time. This time? Paw Paw Mc had her eating out of his hand and let him pet her. He does have a knack with animals, but the scene did make me regret hitting her with a zip lock full of bread last time. I think she may look scarier than she is. O threw a couple of bites to the ccckkkss, but we did most of the feeding while he and Grammie wandered. I think O knew it wasn't our usual "order". Usually, we play first.

His favorite part {when not stalking another little girls balloons that were tied to a bench} was definitely the slide. He is so brave!!!

Saturday night, Grammie and Paw Paw Mc baby-sat, while GQ and I went out with his super fun friends Gail and Trey and their awesome girls Peri and Nora! Nora totally cracked me up you guys...she is a personality and a half!!!

Tonight, we went to jason and kristen's for the Superbowl. Owen entertained us and we got to watch bits and pieces of the game. That 100 yard TD was awesome!!!

Okay...I am off to check the score from the big game tonight to see if I am any richer! Thanks mom and Larry for letting us relax this weekend. Owen enjoyed it and so did we?!?! Are you guys ready to add Baby Q2 to the mix?