Sunday, February 8, 2009

Still Not Himself

{February 8, 2008}

First, today is the one-year anniversary of N and O's first {not in the hospital when Owen was born} playdate! What a fun year it has been!! I am so blessed to have N and his mom in our lives on a very regular basis after losing touch with N's mom for many years. Thank you for all of the fun, laughter, and mobile minutes used over the last year!

Second, N is a sick little boy right now. He is having some not-fun stomach issues and just plain, old ick. His Pedi thinks he has the Roto(?) virus, but they aren't sure. I have heard from a couple other moms whose kids have that right now...ick.

{Baptism: April 2008}

Owen is still not acting like himself. This morning, he didn't make it in the church nursery for very long. During the sermon, I looked back toward the door and saw the care provider waving me down. O was so upset....really, really upset.

I calmed him and took him to church with me. He sat quiet for about 5 minutes and then starting saying "hi" to everyone with his multiple-sylebol version that always gets a smile. Next, he started throwing his arms forward like throwing an imaginary ball and saying "goooaaaal". So, we left. On the way out, lots of people trying to listen to the sermon got there own personal "bye" from our little guy.
I decided that we just couldn't leave church after 15 minutes, so we went into the ECA Sunday School class (for his age--they just didn't take him cause he was so unhappy today). I certainly didn't leave him there alone, but he did make it through the rest of the class. So, I felt at least we got some worship in at church today.

{N's first haircut - July 31, 2008}

At home, he is a mama's boy. All he wants is for me to hold him. Occasionally, he will go to Daddy Q, but really he wants mama right now. The three of us went to the grocery store after O's nap and he was fine. Then, at the park, he played a little bit, but mostly wanted to sit with me and look around.
After an evening nap, he woke up burning with fever. We couldn't find the thermometer (its a toy sometimes), so Daddy Q went to buy one. Once we took his temp, the fever was down from the Tylenol. So, not sure what the reading was, but he was hot, lethargic, and not wanting to eat or drink anything. Didn't even want me to move from the couch where we were sitting.
{N's Family Photoshoot: October 2008}
He has had a cold and cough for almost 4 weeks now. Based on today, I am going to call our new Pediatrician tomorrow and try to figure out how to help Owen feel more like himself...I miss having happy, smiling photos to share. I do hope he is just getting those big, one-year molars and that explains what's happening with him. I would hate for him to have bronchitis or to get croup again....augh.
{O's 1 year & N's 18 month photo shoot: December 2008}

I hope both of you boys feel better real soon so we can start playing again and get an updated picture of you two together!!!